If you think "Fairtax lying bastards" is harsh or overstated, I respect fully disagree. I can -- and have shown thousands of people -- tjhe lies, the distortions and the lie about 22 million in research -- Neal Boortz lied when he claimed " The only problem will be where to put all the money "
Mike Huckabee for POTUS 2008--- based of Fairtax! Huck said he will just "wave the magic wand of Fairtax. Huckabee had no fucking grasp of the 4 trillion dollars of "OTHER" taxes Fairtax did not even hint about in HR24.
Huckabee was apparentlyl paid for his stupidity and endorsement. Huck said that "If God created a tax code--- Fairtax would be it.
Fairtax is a fucking fraud -- a sham as we will so. There is no honesty to these guys --some may be fooled, it's a good bet Huck is just stupid -- to stupid to spot the 4 trillion in OTHER taxes -- other taxes that Fairtax neaky creeps never mention to them and in fact, claim Fairtax is just a very very simple personal retail sales tax.
Remember when Fairtax lying bastards said they had 22 million in research?
Remember when Fairtax lying bastards came up with a "Calculatgor" to prove how much you would save?
I was still kinda fooled by these lying bastards, so I wanted to see and use that calculrtor
HOLY shit -- Holy shit -- Holy shit- - the took months to create this calculator-- and I see why!
The tricky bastards did not ALLOw -- did not ALLOW anyone to enter only thing that really mattered
They ONLY tax retail sales, personal retail sales. Thats what the fuckers said thousands of time on hate radio. Just a very very simple retail sales tax of 23%
So -- why the fuck not let ANYONE - ANYONE put in to that calcutore what their retail purchase are.
Nothing is more important to know.
But the razzle dazzel crap they put in that fraud calculator they put in order to fuck their sucker up -- to make their sucker believe their earlies
These fuckers at Fairtax had to be laught. They could not do all these lies without laughing.
None of this was honest errors -- no one word
ALl of this was a goofy ass fraud.
From the fucking questions they let you answer -- it was as useless as asking you your shoe size-- it was a useless as asking the last time you farted. That's how goofy it was
Because these fuckers have no simple personal retail sales tax of 22% to replace all other fed taxes . That's just the shit they tell suckers. They have no research. Putting up bullshit and lies to fool you-- is not research
It's part of the fucking fraud
We sure fucking remember . We call some of their researcher - and those fuckers had no actual research -- I mean none - -as they claimed They had a bunch of bullshit -- not I did not find ONE -- not ONE single person who did reseaerch for them about a very very simple persoal retail sales tax to replace all other fed taxes
Not one fucking person who did any resaeerch on all prices coming down 22% as they claimed
Not onee fucking person who did research (and validtate that ) about paychecking going up 50%
Not one fucking person who did research (and v alidate that) :"the only problem will be what do to with all the money?
Remember when that shit lie was exposed quickly by Bruce Barlett with simple math ? and they actually have no research whatsoever about a very simple personal retail sales tax? Remember when Fairtax was exposed as a goofy fraud when they claimd Fairtax 23% tax would replace all other fed taxes -- and make American "the edonomic powerhouse of the world Remember when Liar Neal Boortz said "the only problem with Fairtax is --WHERE TO PUT ALL THE MONEY? Remember when Mike Huckabee said if GOD created a tax code -- it would be HR25? Remember when Huckabee said as President he would just "WAVE THE MAGIC WAND OF FARITAX? Remmember when We offered anyon at Fairtax 50,000 dollars to "validate" -- prove- they even had any fucking research into a very simple retail sales tax to replace all other taxes? The fiuckers did not heve have to validate it worked-- they fuckers did not have research that backed any of that shit We called some of their "researchers" what a clown show that was. The first guy we called-- they listed him a one of their "world class researches:-- that fucker did not even know -- he had no clue!!-- no clue at all, what Fairtax tax taxes for 75% of it'sreveneu He had no clue -- yet the sneaky bastards listed him a RESEAERHER The second call we made -- again to someone they claimed was their researcher. She was embarrassed they even used her name! She did no research for Fairtax. Apparently a group she was in said they would support a consumption tax. Not this fairtax crap of fake research and goofy lies. She did no research! The third call we made-- this fucker was apparently involved with Beacon Hill boys And he was one irate son of a bitch that we asked him where in HR25 did they tell anyone about these massive imnpossible other taxes, And I asked others about this same thing -- where the fuck do you guy even even MENTION that 3 trillion dollars of other taxes -- on top of - in addtion to, their retail sales tax These fuckers blow up with you ask them about these massive other taxes. Remkember the first two I talked to had no idea these massive other taxes existed but HERE IS A LINK TO OVERALL HUSTLE
But then take another look -- for Fairtax, look at their fine print and goofy math equations. For the calculator -- look at what information they actively prevent you from entering-- your taxable consumption.It is literally impossible, not just difficult, to enter your taxable consumption. No place for your retail purchases, your rent, you health expenditures. No place to enter college dorm most (taxable) or utilities, or food. No place to enter anything -- anything -- that matters. Clever-- and audacious. ______________________________________________________ WHAT HAPPENS IF THEY LET YOU ENTER YOUR RENT If they let you enter rent, for example, you would know rent is taxed. Their calculator not only has no step, no way to enter rent, you can not enter anything that matters! You can't enter cancer care costs. Or heart surgery. Or enter anything at all about any expenditures, health care, food, rent. etc. etc. Nothing. You are not allowed to put in the very things that are taxed!? Only -- only questions they ask are about things that are NOT taxed. Used goods. Tuition. They ask your mortgage, but that's not taxed. Systematically -- deliberately --- their "calculator" does not dare allow you to put in anything whatsoever that matters. So, all your expenditures that would be taxed, you can't put in. Health costs, or vacation expenses, or home repairs, or food, any of 10000000 things-- you can not possibly enter any of those into the "calculator". BUT YOU OWE MUCH MORE If that's not bad enough, the big fraud of fairtax is the massive OTHER taxes- - on top of retail sales taxes. They have massive other "consumption" they tax, and they don't let you enter that either. For that part of the hustle, you'd need to know the overall hustle. Here is that link, same as above, for the overall hustle. That shows you their massive goofy "other" consumption you are taxed for, in addition to retail sales. ________________________________ |
QUESTION 1 They ask for Joe's income, though that does not matter.
Joe enters 55, 000
Joe enters 55,000 for income. Income is not taxed, but as long as they let you enter your consumption, they can give you a comparison.
Spoiler Alert -- they never allow you to put in your taxable consumption
Joe made 55K So he puts that in.
They ask for Joe's investments.
Investments do not matter. But let's put it in, anyway. That's all you can do, after all.
Our Joe has 5800 year in investments. So he puts that in. Still no place to put in any consumption that is taxed.
They ask for tuition and other household details -- like used goods. Those do not matter, either. Tuition is not taxed. Nor are used goods taxed. Still -- if they get around to letting you enter your consumption, it could be legit.
They ask for all that, and it does not matter (except for household expenses) No place for rent, medical consumption, vacation spending, dentures for your kids, a new car, or repairs of anything. They do not allow you to put in such things.
Depending on your consumption, of course, you could owe 5 or 10 times as much taxes this way, as you will see. Go on vacation, have health care costs, heat your house, or rent, or install a swimming pool, or buy a new car-- whatever -- Fairtax never let you put in that information.
In fact, they prevented anyone from putting in any information that mattered.
But it looked spiffy! Just like their Fairtax hustle itself looked spiffy. That link here. Their calculator made sure you did not know that.
Joe might have rented. They did not ask.
Joe might have bought a new mobile home, a shed, or a new truck. A million things Joe might have bought. And what people do buy. But none of that - zero -- could Joe put in, nor anyone else put in.
Go ahead. Try to enter the cost of your new house, or the rent you might pay --
I spent 4000 dollars on my electric and 6000 dollars for a new tub and sink to be installed.
The tax -- just the tax -- on that would be 2300 dollars.
But there is no place for me -- you -- or anyone to put any such information.
That's how these guys operate.
And there was no place to put any of it.
In a spread sheet, of course, we can enter Joe's expenditures. So we do enter them.
Joe rents, in our example, his wife has medical cost. They eat, they drive cars, they have cell phones and heat the home.
Because of the high medical consumption, Joe "expends" 251K total. He uses savings and borrows to pay for cancer care, but it's taxed 23%. There are no exceptions -- and all medical consumption is taxed, without exception.
By the way, that exceeds his income. That's why Fairtax did not dare use an honest equations. Millions of people would owe 40 60 60 or even tax rates over 100%.
An honest calculator -- that let Joe or you or anyone -- put in their consumption, would show that.
Many people do have high medical cost, but let's say Joe's wife did not have cancer. How much tax would Joe pay with Fairtax?
Almost 22,000 in fed taxes. Not over 100% but still almost three times higher than before Fairtax.
Fairtax hustlers did not want you to notice that either.
It's not just those with high expenditures for medical -- it's most folks. Most folks would owe drastically more in Fairtax.
Get their calculator and see for yourself. Use theirs-- they wont let you enter what matters, but use it first.
Then you make a spread sheet. Enter your various consumption -- including state and local and federal consumption taxes you would have to be (see the hustle exposed at this link of that )
See for yourself.
Millions of people would owe double or triple what they owe now.
Joe MIGHT save money, if he did not heat his house, did not go on vacation, did not pay rent and lived free.
And even without the cancer expenditures, Joe's Fairtax is 21K on income of 55K.